The Friends of Hungry Mother |
Membership InformationMembership is open to any individual or family committed to upholding the mission of the group, which is to provide volunteer non-profit assistance to the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation for the continued operation and conservation of Hungry Mother State Park. Individuals who, due to job or residence location are unable to be regular, participating members, are encouraged to become supporting members. Membership dues, contributions, and other revenue are used for projects such as tree planting, trail maintenance and enhancement, other beautification projects, and for equipment to improve and expand park use. Membership Categories-Annual Dues
Membership Benefits1) Be a part of an organization dedicated to the conservation, enhancement, and preservation of Hungry Mother State Park and the surrounding highways and byways. 2) The opportunity to volunteer in a variety of areas, including sharing special skills with park guests, working on trails and landscaping serving as a park greeter, being part of a team recording and preserving park history, working in the Discovery Center, contributing articles to a newsletter, and other special projects and activities. 3) Receive newsletters covering "Friends" activities and meetings, and other regular and special park sponsored activities. 4) Be eligible for Department of Conservation and Recreation Volunteer Recognition awards and benefits. Please complete this application and mail it to the listed address. |